Monday, May 17, 2021


Hello again, folks. I hope you are well and healthy since our last meeting. For this week, I and Ali Görkem prepared a lesson video for our ''flipped classroom''. To explain briefly, we flip the content of the lesson by teaching the subject through a video before coming to class and reinforcing the subject through activites in the classroom. I think it is very fun for students to observe their teacher through a colorful and an informative video. The only problems might be technological problems and some students coming to class without watching the video. For the latter one, students will see in class that they should watch the video in order to keep pace with the class. And this application will lead students to have more time for practice in the classroom. 
It was a very fun process to shoot our vocabulary lesson video with our siblings and choosing movies. I shot the introduction part, one of the dialogues and explanation of the 3 activites we created on Wordwall. My partner, Ali Görkem made the introduction of the movies and related genres. He also edited the video through Vegas Pro and shot one of the dialogues with his brother. And we uploaded our lesson to Youtube. And here is our masterwork!:)

And these are our aforementioned activities:

We had almost no problems except for the level of voice but it was not a big problem. Apart from that, it was a valuable and informative experience to observe how we can apply this type of lesson into our future classes. 

You can also read my partner Ali Görkem's post about our experience. See you!

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Hello, everyone. In this post, I am going to end this post with a farewell, as we completed our blog according to our tasks. We were involve...